Click here for Membership Application
"Membership in the Webster Chamber of Commerce has provided me with the opportunity to dialogue with business owners, learn, share, and have a common voice politically." - Dave Eckler, Weekend Printer
There are many, many benefits that come with your Chamber membership. Connecting to businesses and their employees, our website listing, referrals and the educational opportunities are just a few. Membership indicates you are committed to the Webster community and are interested in providing high-quality products and services to your customers and clients. Click here to view more membership benefits. We invite you to attend a Chamber event to witness firsthand the benefits of membership.
Prospective members are invited to attend one or two Chamber events at no charge – usually one Chamber breakfast and one Eat, Drink & Connect event to experience the opportunities of Chamber membership. Please contact the Chamber office to register for an event. We believe that as our guest, a couple of events should enable you to make a decision about Chamber membership.
Business Memberships
A Business membership is a voting membership available for any business or sole proprietors/practitioner. Annual Membership Dues are $240 for the membership year. (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) Dues are prorated quarterly and are non-refundable.
Associate Memberships
An Associate membership is a non-voting membership for individuals that would like to participate in the Chamber but do not have a business. Annual Associate Dues are $106.00 for the membership year. (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025)
Not-For-Profit Membership
A Not-For-Profit membership is a non-voting membership for not-for-profits organized under IRS code 501(c) and do not have paid staff (call the Chamber for limited exceptions). Annual Not-for-Profit Dues are $120.00 for the membership. (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) (Click here for a Not-For-Profit Application)
Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA) Membership
This membership is open to YEA businesses from the Webster Central School District. These student businesses have all the privileges of a business member except the ability to vote. YEA Dues are $104 for the Chamber membership. (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) (Click here for a YEA Application)
Member Rewards Program
Current Chamber members are rewarded when they recruit a new Chamber member. You are rewarded with a $50.00 credit or a $50.00 gift card to any current Chamber member business! Here's what you need to do to earn the reward:
- Have the new member complete the application.
- Your name/company must be on the referral line of the new member’s application.
- The dues must be paid in full before the reward is issued.
- You will receive a $50.00 credit on your Chamber account or a $50.00 gift card/certificate from any Chamber member of your choice.
Benefits of Membership
- Build business relationships over time
- In-person & online visibility
Monthly breakfast with 70-90 businesses in attendance + “Pass the Microphone”
Monthly After Hours Networking Events – you can even host one!
Website Directory, Facebook, eblasts, newsletter
Recognitions: Business of the Month; Business Person of the Year; Anniversaries
Use of Chamber digitally-equipped conference and training rooms
- Chamber Office staff available for support
Trusted and tenured health insurance enrollment
The Webster Chamber of Commerce Inc. routinely takes (either directly or by a third-party) photos and videos of Chamber events or events at which the Chamber is present. These photos are used by the Chamber for advertising and promotion and may be included in media releases, on their website, and various social media platforms. Individuals photographed may or may not be individually identified. If you would prefer that a photo or video that includes you not be used or shields your identity, you may “opt-out” by signing the Photo Video Opt-Out form available at the Chamber office.
* Some Chamber events (such as the monthly breakfast) have an additional fee to cover event expenses for food, venue, speakers, etc.
** Business members that have been members for any portion of the last two membership years must pay full annual dues for the membership year in which they re-join or pay for the balance of the membership year at the prorated amount and prepay their dues for the following year at the current year rate.