February Newsletter 2023

Breakfast Before Business
Our next Breakfast Before Business will be on Friday, February 24th at the Webster Recreation Center.

8th Annual PEEP Show
8th Annual Greater Rochester PEEP Show is March 25th & 26th. Become a sponsor today!

Eat Drink & Connect
We have some great Eat Drink & Connect events coming up the next few months.
Presidents Column
Coming Soon!
AFLAC - A supplemental insurance company. Contact Anthony Mitchell at 585-472-4102, a5_mitchell@us.aflac.com or visit their website at http://www.AFLAC.com.
Frontier Kitchens - A Kitchen design showroom. They will be opening a showroom at 1170 Ridge Road in Webster this Spring. Contact Daniel Ewing at 585-343-0760 info@frontierkitchens.com or visit their website at https://frontierkitchens.com.
Lady Bugs All Pest Solutions- Professional pest management technicians located at 39 Saginaw Drive, Rochester, NY. Contact Suzanna Dutro at 585-453-9748 suzanna@ladybugsallpestsolutions.com or visit their website at https://ladybugsallpestsolutions.com/.
Manning & Napier - A wealth management company, located at 290 Woodcliff Drive, Fairport, NY. Contact Jordan Eich at 585-325-6880, jeich@manning-napier.com or visit their website at https://www.manning-napier.com.
Roc City Empanadas - Empanada / Hot Dog Food truck. Contact Louis Carrasquillo at 585-435-6848 roccityEmpanadas@gmail.com or visit their Facebook page at roc city empanadas | Rochester NY | Facebook
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.
Eat Drink & Connect
Webster Today Magazine
Special Offer to advertise in Webster Today magazine,: Buy 2 Ads & Get the 3rd Ad at 25% Off
An introductory program which provides additional savings as you “test-drive” the magazine:
• You are invoiced at your earned rate level for ads in April, July & October
• You save an additional 10% with Webster Chamber of Commerce member discount
• You save money while reaching every home and business in Webster
To qualify for the offer all ads must be the same size in each issue. If the ad size varies between issues, you still enjoy a savings - the October ad will be at 10% off. This offer is open to all new advertisers as well as returning advertisers who are not in the January 2023 issue. Interested members of the Webster Chamber of Commerce should contact Bruce Pilato 585-721-6029 or Brucetune@aol.com. Thank you!
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