January Newsletter 2023

Presidents Column
Happy New Year everyone! I sincerely hope that you all had a happy, safe, and enjoyable holiday season...

Eat Drink & Connect
Eat Drink & Connect at Pride Mark Homes Greenbriar Crossing (1315 State Road, Webster) on Tuesday, February 7th!

Breakfast Before Business
Our next Breakfast Before Business will be on Friday, January 27th at the Webster Recreation Center.

Webster Comfort Care Home
Webster Comfort Care Home is having a Souper Bowl fundraiser!
Presidents Column
Happy New Year everyone! I sincerely hope that you all had a happy, safe, and enjoyable holiday season whether it was Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanza. A little down time, some time with family and friends, and some food and fun always seem to recharge the batteries.
There is a little more normalcy here at the Chamber office. Open enrollment for insurance is wrapping up, but there are still enrollment opportunities for people that need insurance or would like to change their plan.
Our Chamber committees are working hard to bring events and learning opportunities to all our members. The new year is a great time to consider working on a committee – the commitment is usually light and, as always, many hands make for light work!
We have a Chamber breakfast scheduled for January 27th where we will be honoring the Chamber’s 2023 Business Person of the Year! There will be an Eat, Drink and Connect event on Tuesday, February 7th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at Pride Mark Homes Greenbriar Crossing.
I am looking forward to an exciting new calendar year with the Chamber and hope you are as well!
Eat Drink & Connect
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus
Actively Continuing their Charitable Activities from a New Home
As many may remember, the Webster Columbus Center on Barrett Drive proudly hosted the monthly Webster Chamber of Commerce breakfasts for many years. In doing so, the Knights stayed connected to the generous Webster businesses who long-supported our charitable endeavors. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Knights, like many other organizations across the US, were required to close our doors to large gatherings. One bright spot of the gathering restriction was that the shut down provided the Webster Columbus Center and Knights of Columbus Trinity Council #4618 the opportunity to sell our building for a fair price and move to a new location that would better serve the needs of our members and the needs of our local community. In December 2021, with the assistance of the parish leadership and staff at Holy Trinity Church on Ridge Road, we completed our renovation of an underutilized building on the parish campus. During this time of transition, the charitable activities of Trinity Council continued. We have since expanded our community outreach and exceeded prior fundraising activity and Trinity Council is once again a beacon of hope for those in need in our local community.
A prime example of this outreach is our Coats for Kids program. When families struggle to clothe their children with warm outerwear during the winter months, Knights of Columbus councils in the US and Canada help meet this basic need with the "Coats for Kids" program. This year, with generous donations from Knights of Columbus membership, local residents, organizations and area business, Trinity Council #4618 of Webster raised enough funds to purchase 564 NEW children’s winter coats. These coats were distributed on December 11 to approximately thirty partner organizations including schools, church ministries and charitable organizations who identified children with a true need for a warm coat and ensured they were received before the cold season arrived.
With the addition of this year’s fundraising, the Webster Knights of Columbus has given out 3096 new, winter coats to children in need from Monroe and Wayne counties over the last 11 years. THANK YOU from the Webster Knights of Columbus to all who made a donation to this charitable project.
If you would like to contribute to this ongoing program, donations will gratefully be accepted; please by write a check payable to:
Knights of Columbus #4618
Mail to:
Knights of Columbus
"Coats for Kids"
PO Box 1316
Webster, New York 14580
Reliant Credit Union
Webster Comfort Care Home Souper Bowl
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September 2020