February 2022 Newsletter

Business Person of the Year
Join us in congratulating our 2022 Business Person of the Year!

Breakfast Before Business
Our next Breakfast Before Business will be on Friday, February 25th at Webster Parks & Recreation Center.

Power Hour
Join us on Friday, March 4th for "2022 New York Employment Law Update" presented by Ed Steve & Chloe Macdonald of Harter Secrest & Emery LLP.

February 2022 Eat Drink & Connect Photos
We had a great time at the Webster Chamber's Eat Drink & Connect hosted by Beyond Green Solutions and Board'n'Bacon

Covid Test Kits
Free virus test kits are available for their employers to deliver to their employees.

Peep Show
The Webster Community Chest is conducting their favorite fund-raising event--the Seventh Annual Greater Rochester Marshmallow PEEP Art Show (a.k.a., "The PEEP Show") on April 2nd & 3rd, 2022 at the Webster Community Recreation Center

Fall In Love With Webster
The month of February offers some fun opportunities for Village Merchants and residents to come together and share in the many national holidays, local events, and merchant specials.
Barry's Column
Happy February to all of you! Such an exciting month of the year!
We had a great Eat Drink and Connect on the 9th – many thanks to Katie Borcher from Beyond Green Solution and Jen and Pete Fox from Board n Bacon who co-hosted and provided some great food and drink. It was a great in-person event with nearly 50 people and an awesome opportunity to connect with other Chamber members and lots of new faces.
If you would like to host an EDC event, let us know and we will get you on the list. It’s easy and so much fun!
Congratulations to Denice Baller from “Dancing with Denise,” the Chamber’s 2022 Business Person of the Year. She was honored at our January 28th breakfast and presented with a plaque. Please take a minute to read about Denise in the newsletter and congratulate her the next time you see her!
We have a breakfast coming up on February 25th – the program will be an overview of the update’s employers need to know about the changes in the cannabis laws and how they impact the workplace. Click here to sign up. The breakfast program is the lean-in to the Power Hour on the 4th of March.
The Power Hour on the 4th of March will be presented by Harter Secrest & Emery Law Firm and the topic is “2022 NY Employment Law Update” which will cover a variety of employer related issues – click here for the details and to sign up.
The Chamber office will be closed on February 21st for President’s Day, and we’ll be back on Tuesday morning.
Cassano Studio - A Recording Studio and Voice Acting School. Contact Chad Cassano at 585-690-9661, chadcassano@gmail.com or visit their website at www.cassanostudiocorp.com.
DeNero Masonry & Chimney - A Masonry contractor. Contact Dave DeNero at 585-505-7828 dave.denero924@gmail.com.
Vanity - A beauty salon located at 1183 Bay Road, Suite 3, Webster. Contact Ceetha Nguyen at 585-787-4033 ceethanguyen@gmail.com or visit their website at www.vanity.salon.
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.
The “Businessperson of the Year” is an individual who is recognized as having set a standard of accomplishment in both business and the community. Nominations are from the Chamber’s business members who have made a significant impact on the role of business in the community. The nominee must be a member of the Chamber for at least 18 months. They must be an active member who is always willing to go above and beyond and be a leader that motivates others. They must have a level of community participation by contributing resources in the form of time, talent, or money to our community via projects, clubs, churches, and not-for-profits.
Each year the Chamber Board of Directors receives several nominees for this honor, and the number of candidates is a testament to our Chamber member’s commitment to our community.
This year’s honoree is a very active member of the Webster Community – a mother, wife, business owner, volunteer, and philanthropist. She is a regular attendee at Chamber events, a familiar face at breakfast meetings and involved in a multitude of community activities in leading and supporting roles.
You know her for her upbeat and “happy to help” attitude. She has been dancing into our hearts at the Chamber for nearly a decade.
I am pleased to introduce the Webster Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Businessperson of the Year: Denise Baller from Dancing with Denise.
Denise is the founder and owner of Dancing with Denise, located on Gravel Road in Webster. She and her husband Billy have a hub of businesses on Gravel Road after relocating from Irondequoit.
She is the founder of Leaps of Love, awarding local students with Scholarships for dance lessons, providing a “bright spot” to a family that is experiencing financial or medical hardship. She is also the founder of the Yaya Project that provides holiday gifts and cards to the elderly in nursing homes.
Denise participates in the Adopt a Grandparent project, the Best Buddy organization, the Girl Scouts, the Webster Health & Education Network: Drug Free Community Coalition, Webster Comfort Care, sponsors baseball and softball teams, Toys for Tots, and the Breast Cancer Walk.
She is a host of the Moscow Ballet’s, Great Russian Nutcracker, providing the opportunity for local children to perform with professional dancers in the Nutcracker and she organizes the New Horizons Educational Program through Moscow Ballet for appearances at local elementary schools giving children the opportunity to meet professional dancers and learn about the Moscow Ballet.
Denise’s love of the Caribbean has taken her teaching skills to the St. Johns School of the Arts in the US Virgin Islands providing dance instruction for all children on the island; facilitating a student exchange between St. John and Webster and organizing a hurricane relief service trip to the Virgin Islands for her students and St. John Fisher College students to provide helping hands to residents and businesses who suffered devastating effects of the hurricane.
And you will always see Denise and students marching in our local parades and leading dance and fun during Webster Village BID events such as Family nights and White Christmas.
Denise has hosted Chamber Eat, Drink and Connect events at her studio and is currently serving on the Chamber’s Membership Events & Honors Committee as chair.
We have a plaque for her today that is inscribed with these words: Businessperson of the Year presented by the Webster Chamber of Commerce to Denise Baller in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the Webster Chamber of Commerce and your commitment to the community – 2022.
In addition to the plaque, the Webster Chamber makes a contribution to a charitable organization selected by Denise.
Congratulations to Denise Baller, the Webster Chamber’s 2022 Businessperson of the Year!
Webster Community Chest 7th Annual Peep Show
Promote your Business or Organization for FREE at the Peep Show! Go to http://www.rochesterpeepshow.com/sponsors--vendors--entertainers.html for details.
February Eat Drink & Connect Pictures
We had a great time at the Webster Chamber's Eat Drink & Connect hosted by Beyond Green Solutions and Board'n'Bacon - thanks to both of them for hosting a great event! It was nice to see some familiar Chamber members including: Dancing with Denise, Oxford Capital, Webster Credit Union and a few new faces from Trunks Up Company and itty bitty bakeshoppe. Thanks everybody for coming and we look forward to seeing you at the next Chamber event.
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September 2020
October 2019