
JP Richardson

Year Established:


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As part of the Maust & Leone team JP specializes in Medicare Benefits. He is a Certified Medicare Insurance Specialist™ and he is licensed in 11 states including NY. Outside of NY state he is also able to offer Hospital Indemnity Plans that work alongside Medicare Advantage Plans to help with out-of-pocket expenses.  JP personally works with 11 different carriers in 11 different states and represents hundreds of plans in those states. 

Our objective is simple: Work with each client individually and do a thorough NEEDS analysis so each client gets the benefits that fit their unique situation.

Why choose us?

Where you choose to purchase your Medicare Benefits and Hospital Indemnity Plans makes a difference. Three key reasons to choose us over others are:

  • our commitment to customer service and
  • our approach of helping you find coverage to fit your needs and not just buy a policy.
  • We are not here just for your enrollment.  We are here after your enrollment as well to help you navigate the confusing and often frustrating customer service side or these policies

We are proud to serve our clients and put their needs at the very top of what we do.

 Partnering with Maust & Leone

We have partnered with a premier agency in Western NY when it comes to Medicare Benefits. Maust & Leone are all about making sure the Medicare Beneficiary and their needs are the top priority when assisting them.

 Our approach is to focus on what is best for our clients. After a thorough NEEDS Analysis we help clients choose the best option for their unique situation.

 Why work with us?

Because there is no cookie cutter approach through this process if done correctly. We are here to help you as we have helped hundreds of clients already by committing to customer service and putting your needs first.

 Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA, authorizes the use of its trademarks: CMIP®, CMIS™, CMIR™, Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, Certified Medicare Insurance Specialist™, Certified Medicare Insurance Representative™ to agents that have met Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA administration's initial and ongoing certification requirements. The Federal Government, CMS and Medicare do not affiliate with or endorse ANY professional designation, which would include the CMIP®, CMIS™, and CMIR™ designations.

Be sure to take a look at the Membership section for more detailed information on the Webster Chamber, such as: fees, upcoming events, benefits, and our application form. And feel free to reach out at 585‐265‐3960 for answers to inquiries not covered on the site. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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