Webster Chamber News February 2020

Presidents Column
I had a great idea for my newsletter column. That was a couple of days ago. The idea seems to ...

Business Person of the Year
Congratulations to Diane Mclure of Edge Advertising Group as Business Person of the Year!

Breakfast Before Business
February 28th is not the last day of February, but it is Breakfast Before Business. RSVP today!

New Chamber Members
Welcome our new Chamber Members! The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.

Connect @ Noon
Oxford Capital Mortgage and RE/Max Plus will host our Connect @ Noon on Friday, March 13th!

National Accounting Firm TYS, LLP Merges with San Francisco-based Lefkowitz &
Company LLP. TYS expands operations to four states.

Strikes for Abilities Bowling Party
CDS Monarch is hosting its 13th Annual Strikes for Abilities Bowling Party!

Athletic Wellness: The Purpose of Youth Sports
A can't miss night of valuable sports-related information for parents, coaches, and students.

United States Census 2020
Census 2020 Job Opportunities. Help the City of Rochester make sure everyone gets counted.

Greater Rochester Peep Show
Fairport Savings Bank welcomes James Bilotta. Click below to learn more about James.

Monroe County Tree & Shrub Sale
Do you want to update your landscape? Plant new shrubs or trees? Check out the Monroe County Tree & Shrub sale!
Barry's Column
I had a great idea for my newsletter column. That was a couple of days ago. The idea seems to have evaporated into thin air. I’d like to think it is because my brain has been busy with so many other things, the idea got misplaced. The reality is, that at my age, I need to develop the habit of writing down my great ideas so they won’t mysteriously disappear.
If it comes to me, I’ll edit the column. So, check back often.
Congratulations to Diane McClure, the Chamber’s 2020 Business Person of the Year. Her commitment to the Chamber and her enthusiasm and positive attitude make it easy to see how she was both nominated and selected by the Board of Directors.
We have been busy with Eat, Drink and Connect and Power Hours and the Chamber breakfast last month had 104 people in attendance. Make sure you look at the upcoming events and dates to remember in the newsletter so you don’t miss any of the great connections the Chamber has to offer.
Lastly, I hate to harp on this topic, but please take a look at your Chamber website directory listing and review it for accuracy of the information and the inclusion of keywords that will help the Google search engines get your listing to the top. If you need help with this, please call the office and we will assist. Click here for the Chamber directory.
And the last, last thing for me to mention: we need items to put in the gift mugs for our new members. Does your business have a pen, or a clip, or a coupon for new (and/or existing) members we can include in the mug? And don’t forget that if you want to brand and promote your business at Chamber events when we do door prizes, you can drop off the door prize at the Chamber office and we will include it in the event or you can bring to the event – either way works!
Allstate Insurance - Greg Russell —An Allstate Insurance Agent located at 807 Ridge Road, Suite 210A, Webster. Contact Greg Russell at 585-787-1160 grussell@allstate.com or visit his website at www.allstate.com/grussell.
DNA Digital Marketing - A digital marketing agency located at 72 Green Apple Park, Henrietta, NY. Contact Julio Ahumada at 585-770-3443 julio@dnadigitalmarketing.com or visit their website at www.dnadigitalmarketing.com.
Quattrini Law, PLLC - A family law firm located at 1140 Crosspointe Lane, Suite 6A, Webster, NY. Contact Camille Quattrini at 585-210-0329 crq@rocfamilylaw.com or visit their website at www.rocfamilylaw.com.
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.
The “Business Person of the Year” is someone who is recognized as having set a standard of accomplishment in both business and the community. Nominations are from the Chamber’s business members who have made a significant impact on the role of business in the community. The nominee must be a member of the Chamber for at least 18 months. They must be an active member who is always willing to go above and beyond and be a leader that motivates others. They must have a level of community participation by contributing resources in the form of time, talent or money to our community via projects, clubs, churches, and not-for-profits.
Each year the Chamber Board of Directors receives a number of nominees for this honor – the selection process included several outstanding candidates, and the number of nominees is a testament to the Chamber membership’s commitment to our community.
This year’s honoree is a very active Chamber member, a wife, a mother, a business partner, an Angel Mom, a passionate mentor, full of energy and digitally charged. She is a familiar face at Chamber breakfast, active in the Webster business community and many Chamber members have worked with her to help brand and grow your business.
She is well known for her upbeat attitude and professionalism!
Diane is a founding partner in the Edge Advertising Group. She has a master’s degree from Penn State and her knowledge of the Rochester media market is spot-on. Diane is one of the first people to volunteer to help and she is notorious for doing what she said she would do! She is a professional in every sense and takes a realistic approach to business problem solving.
Barry Howard, President/CEO of the Webster Chamber says: “I think Diane works 24 hours a day. It’s not unusual to get an email from her at one in the morning.”
Diane has been an active member of the Chamber since she joined. She is on the Chamber Board of Directors, currently serving as Chair-elect. She serves on the Personnel Committee and is chair of the Marketing and Communications Committee. She believes these should be active and participating roles in the Chamber.
She is never afraid to share an idea and that has resulted in the Chamber’s sponsoring of the recent Job Fair and partnership with the Webster Central School District on a future “signing ceremony” for high school students directly pursuing training, certifications, apprenticeships and careers in the business world immediately after their graduation.
Diane is an educator in disguise working with interns in her business, being a presenter at the Chamber’s Power Hours multiple times, and supporting Dollars for Scholars for more than 12 years. Maybe there is a connection; one of Diane’s relatives started his career as a teacher – President John Adams, the 2nd president of the United States. By lineage, it also makes her related to John Quincy Adams, the 6th president of the United States.
Diane’s involvement in the Webster Chamber is just part of her community involvement. She also supports the Red Cross Fairport Angel Blood Drive, the city Schools Book Drive, the Toy Drive, The United Day of Caring, Project Urge, Christopher’s Challenge, the Special Olympics, and she has been on her neighborhood Social Committee for over 30 years!
She is a financial supporter of her faith communities including Browncroft Community Church, Faith Lutheran and the First Baptist Church in DuBois Pennsylvania; the ALS foundation, the Alzheimer’s Association, Bethany House, the Boy Scouts and the Golisano’s Children’s Hospital.
Diane’s passion and belief in the value of Chamber membership is often expressed to her clients and business colleagues.
The Chamber presented her with a plaque that is inscribed with these words: “Business Person of the Year presented by the Webster Chamber of Commerce to Diane McClure in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the Webster Chamber of Commerce and your commitment to the community – 2020”.
In addition to the plaque, the Webster Chamber makes a contribution in her honor to one of her favorite charitable organizations.
February 27th - Contrasting Habit vs Addiction |
February 28th - Breakfast Before Business |
March 8th - 13th Annual Strikes for Abilities |
March 13th - Connect @ Noon |
March 20th - Power Hour "Chamber Members Uncover Facebook" |
March 26th - Webster Youth Sports Presentation |
March 27th - Breakfast Before Business |
March 28th - 29th - Greater Rochester Peep Show |
April 3rd - Power Hour "Marketing by Age" |
April 9th - Eat Drink & Connect |
Connect @ Noon
CDS Monarch Strikes for Abilities
CDS Wolf Foundation is hosting its 13th Annual Strikes for Abilities Bowling Party!
This year, the party will take place on Sunday, March 8th, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at AMF Empire Lanes in Webster.
Your support will benefit people served by CDS Life Transitions, as they reach for their dreams of independent and fulfilling lives in our community. Your support of this event enables CDS Life Transitions to provide high-quality supports and services to the people we assist. Proceeds will benefit community living opportunities, residential improvements, Warrior Salute Veteran Services and other unfunded areas of need at CDS Life Transitions.
There are also opportunities to become a sponsor of this year's tournament! Sponsorship levels are as follows:
Playing Sponsorships:
Title Sponsor ($7,500)
Top Turkey Sponsor ($4,000)
King Pin Sponsor ($3,000)
300 Club Sponsor ($2,000)
10th Frame Sponsor ($1,000)
Strike Sponsor ($750)
Non-Playing Sponsorships:
Lunch Sponsor ($1,000)
Spare Sponsor ($250)
Sponsorship Add-On
Please contact Tom DeRoller for sponsorship information, to register as a team raising pledge dollars, or to pay by check. 585-347-1205.
Thank you for your support of the CDS Wolf Foundation!
Webster Rotary Presents "Contrasting Habit vs Addiction
Webster Community Chest
Webster Youth Sports Council Health & Wellness Initiative
Goshorn Chiropractic and Wellness Center Now Offering Laser Therapy
Goshorn Chiropractic and Wellness Center is now offering Laser Therapy for the alleviation of pain and neuropathy!
Goshorn Wellness Center offers more than just chiropractic care. We see patients with a great variety of wellness needs, including chiropractic care, nutrition, and weight management. One frequent request is for help with pain management. We are excited to now offer Laser Therapy as a promising painless treatment option to address that need.
Research has shown that Laser Therapy can help treat the underlying causes of neuropathy and symptom management. Laser Therapy stimulates microcirculation around nerve fibers, which increases blood flow to the nerves and promotes healing, thereby reducing neuropathic pain. Laser light energy penetrates the skin to stimulate increased oxygen on a cellular level. This increase in microcirculation around the nerve has been shown to help regenerate fibers and heal peripheral nerves.
Some of the many benefits of Laser Therapy include improving circulation, increasing blood flow to targeted areas, reducing pain & restoring sensation to extremities, improving gait and balance, reducing falls, and accelerating wound healing.
Please call Goshorn Wellness Center at 585-671-0934 for any of your wellness needs!
Become a Member of One of the Town's Citizen Boards
Monroe County Tree & Shrub Sale
This pre-order program allows landowners the chance to receive tree and shrub species that are native to New York State. The District is offering a variety of new species including Northern Catalpa, Black Walnut, Eastern Redbud and more! 2020 Tree and Shrub Program Important Dates:
Friday, March 6th - Ordering Deadline
Thursday/Friday, April 23/24th (9:00 am- 5:00 pm) - Tree Distribution
Saturday, April 25h (9:00 am - 11:00 am) - Overstock Sale
TYS, LLP Merges with San Francisco-Based Lefkowitz & Company LLP
Company LLP
TYS expands operation to four states
Walnut Creek, CA | January 7, 2020 — National accounting firm TYS, LLP (TYS) is pleased
to announce that it finalized a merger with Lefkowitz & Company LLP on January 1st. TYS, a
full-service tax, accounting, and business consulting firm will welcome David L. Lefkowitz and
Lori Lefkowitz as Partners , along with four other employees. The combined firm will operate
under the TYS name.
“I was once told by a friend and client, ‘Bigger is not always better, but better is almost always
bigger,” said Glen A. Thomas, TYS Partner and Co-Founder . “At TYS, we’ve always believed
in being better. The merger with Lefkowitz clearly makes us bigger. The addition of David, Lori,
and their team increases our service offerings, broadens our human capital, extends our
geographic reach and brings new clients. Simply put, the merger with Lefkowitz & Company
makes TYS better.”
Along with Christopher York and Tim Shortsleeve , Thomas founded the firm in 2010, and set
out to create a new brand of accounting firm, ending the constraints of traditional CPA firms.
Within their new construct, a new culture was formed. The professionals at TYS phased out the
antiquated notion of focusing on the billable hour. Instead, employees are client-centric and
engaged in constantly improving TYS. By offering quality benefits and supporting work/life
balance, the founders believe employees are able to better serve clients. The employees
agreed — in 2019, the firm was named one of the Top 100 Accounting Firms to Work For by
Accounting Today.
When looking to expand its roster of talent during a merger, finding a CPA firm with a similar
culture and work philosophy was important. The Lefkowitz team fits culturally while also bringing
new skill sets to the table.
“We have a great team and great clients. With these clients comes great amounts of work. We
realized we needed to make a change when our client commitments increased, and we weren’t
able to deliver. We owe it to our staff, our clients, and business to bring these two firms
together,” said Lori Lefkowitz.
“TYS puts people first and doesn’t discriminate about who should be ‘sitting at the table’ as long
as they’re active contributors. That’s what we want, too. The holistic and practical approaches
that both firms bring is what sets us apart from the others.”
With the merger, TYS office locations will include Rochester, New York, Summerville, SC and
Miami, Florida, as well as two California offices in San Francisco and Walnut Creek. The expert
team of accounting specialists, tax planners, business advisors, audit specialists, and
bookkeepers, now serves more than 1200 clients across the country.
Heritage Christian Services (5/20/2019)
Heritage Christian Services - Direct support staff work with people who have disabilities so they can do things like get ready in the morning, attend a family wedding or volunteer. https://careers-heritagechristianservices.
CDS Life Transitions (added 10/3/18)
CDS Life Transitions have a number of positions they are looking to fill: At CDS Life Transitions, it is our mission to champion our constituent organizations in providing exceptional, holistic and innovative support for the people they serve. Our visionary, integrated stewardship provides life opportunities and empowers individuals and their families to live more fulfilling and independent lives. CDS Life Transitions offers many wonderful career opportunities. Working here is a rewarding experience that will give you the satisfaction of helping people with Disabilities, Seniors, and/or Veterans in our community to pursue their personal dreams. CDSLT is currently in search of Registered Nurses, Direct Support Professionals, and CDL Drivers, however, our companies are always hiring for a variety of positions. For more information and to see all current postings, visit www.cdslifetransitions.org
Date and Place: Friday, February 28th, 7:00 AM Webster Columbus Center 70 Barrett Drive, Webster, NY
Program: "Smart" thinking before Social Media Posts
Menu & Cost: Buffet breakfast — $14 members (and employees of members); $19 non-members and visitors. Click Here to email Barb if you are coming to breakfast
Door Prizes from our last Breakfast: Remember to bring business cards for the drawings. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the following businesses for providing many wonderful items at the January Breakfast:
Door Prize Won By |
Door Prize Won |
Donated By |
Marie Dastin of Canandaigua National Bank |
Ice Pack |
Karen Szembrot of Goshorn Chiropractic & Wellness |
Sarah Johnson of ESL Federal Credit Union |
Choc Chip Cookie Package |
Lindsey Csati & Karen Dunne of Wegmans Holt Road |
Joe Vitello of Heartland Payroll |
Recycle Grocery Bag w/Snacks |
Laurie Zahn of Empire State Weeklies |
Sam Schaubroeck of Heritage Christian Stables |
Snow/Ice Brush |
Tina Salvatore of NOCO Natural Gas & Electric |
Robert Blair of Northwest Savings Bank |
Travel Drink Cup w/Candy |
Rose Gabriele-Angell of RE/Max Plus |
Gail Boorum of Mary Kay Cosmetics |
2 Boat Show Tickets |
Ken Dens of Fleet Boat Club |
Steve Snyder of Arrow Kitchens & Bath |
$10 Tim Horton Gift Card |
Robyn Whittaker of Beyond Cuts Salon |
Nichole Gantsher |
Jar of Honey |
Mike Kopiki of Long Meadow Gardens Landscape |
Terri Thon of Bay View YMCA |
Jar of Honey |
Mike Kopiki of Long Meadow Gardens Landscape |
Thank you very much.
Breakfast Meeting Dates 7:00 am |
02/28/2020 |
03/27/2020 |
04/24/2020 |
05/22/2020 |
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Mar 2019
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Aug 2018
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April 2018
March 2018