Webster Chamber News February 2021

President's Column
It is February already and we are only about a month away from Spring! Before that we have Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, the start of Lent...

Business of the Month
Congratulations to Gemini Technical Services Inc. as the Webster Chamber of Commerce's February's Business of the Month!

Breakfast Before Business
Our next Breakfast Before Business will be on Friday, February 26 at 7:00 am at the Webster Recreation Center.

Diversity Series Part 3
Through the use of thoughtful open-ended questions, you and fellow participants can safely talk about your own thoughts, feelings and experiences around diversity, equity and inclusion.

New Members
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.

MC Tree & Shrub Order Form
2021 Tree & Shrub ordering information is available now!
View details »

Webster Exemption Deadline 2021
This is a friendly reminder from the Webster Assessment Office that real...

Family Winter Fun Night
Join us on February 20th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Recreation Center for a Family Winter Fun Night! More details coming, so stay tuned and mark your calendars!
Barry's Column
It is February already and we are only about a month away from Spring! Before that we have Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, the start of Lent, a Chamber Breakfast, a Networking/Connecting event, a Power Hour, St. Patrick’s Day, and back to Daylight Savings Time. And you thought there was nothing going on except snow and cold!
The Chamber is moving along, trying to stay in stride with the ever-changing conditions as we move slowly (but steadily) into a post-pandemic (whatever that means) world.
We have events scheduled and in the planning stages as we continue to keep our member connections together and provide information and education to the membership.
We are going to have an in-person Breakfast Before Business meeting on February 26th at the Webster Parks & Recreation Building on Chiyoda Drive at 7:00 AM. In compliance with the Governor’s latest restrictions, the event will be limited to 50 people and all CDC and NYS protocol regarding masks, social distancing and food service will be followed. Visit the Monthly Breakfast page on the website for details and to register to attend.
On March 10th we are working on the final details of a “speed-networking/connection” event via Zoom that will allow one-on-one connections with other businesspeople in a breakout format along with some raffles and support of our Chamber members! Stay tuned for more information coming to you via email, Facebook, and our website.
On March 12th, we will have Part 3 of our Education Committee’s series “Moving Towards Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”. The topic will be “Putting it into Action… your next steps” and will be moderated by Reverend Dr. Marlowe Washington. Please visit the Power Hour page on the website for details and registration.
We will have a Breakfast on March 26th and a Power Hour on April 9th – mark your calendar! It almost feels like we are getting back into a routine.
We are looking for hosts for Eat, Drink & Connect events. It’s not a difficult event to host and it gives your business a chance to showcase your place and let the Chamber members know about your products and services.
We need door prizes at Chamber events – feel free to drop them at the office any time for any event or leave a few that Barb will use as we need them. This is another way to “brand” your business!
Please visit the virtual Pass-the-Mic page on the website to give us an update on what’s going on with you and share how you are doing. The page was recently reset so we need a new comment from you!
If you know of, or hear about, a new business you think would be a good fit for Chamber membership (that would be every business that wants to be connected), please shoot us an email or call the office and we will pass it along to the Membership Recruitment Committee to follow up.
That’s it for now. Stay warm, be careful driving in the snow, and don’t overdo it while shoveling. For you winter loving, snow crazy, lovers of skiing: have a blast!
AFLAC Kelly Curley - A Supplemental Insurance Broker located at 39 Saginaw Drive, Suite 2, Rochester, NY. Contact Kelly Curley at 585-895-8423, Kelly_Curley@us.aflac.com or visit their website at www.aflac.com.
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.
Gemini Technical Services originally opened as AccuCom Computer Services in Syracuse, New York in 1994 and was renamed Gemini Technical Services after a restructuring in 2002. Gemini currently has 5 employees.
Gemini was started to take care of the computer and network needs of small businesses in Central and Western New York. Their Shared Vision statement says: “Gemini believes in forming a business relationship so that our motivation and incentive is aligned with our customers’ – if your systems are having a problem, that is a problem for BOTH of us.”
Gemini brings expert IT services, remote support, and security to their customers. Gemini specializes in network installations, maintenance, and enhancements for their customers. Russ says one of the best parts of his job is bringing enterprise-level solutions to small businesses who normally would not have access to such solutions.
Russ’ main community involvement is as the founder and president of Northern Onondaga Volunteer Ambulance for over 25 years. He is also on the Webster Chamber’s Governance Committee and Board of Directors.
Russ has been in this industry so long he actually owned and operated a dial-up internet business back in the 1990’s.
Congratulations Russ and Gemini Technical Services as the Chamber’s February 2021 Business of the Month.
Reliant Credit Union Achieve More
Click on image to view Reliant Credit Union Site
Exemption Deadline 2021 Approaches!
This is a friendly reminder from the Webster Assessment Office that all real property tax exemption applications to be considered for the 2021-2022 tax year are due March 1, 2021. If you have already applied, we thank you for your diligence! Whether applying new or renewing an exemption, this deadline is firm.
A special note to Renewing Seniors with Limited Income and Disabled with Limit Income: You may have heard that the last week of December 2020 the NYS Legislature adopted legislation to waive the requirement of Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons with Limited Income to renew their application with our office for the 2021-2022 tax year. The benefits on last year’s roll are to be carried forward at the same level without application, with some minor exceptions. YOU MAY CHOOSE to return your renewal application IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR INCOME HAS DECREASED and that you may be eligible for a larger benefit this year. We mailed letters to this effect to each home with the details. The deadline for applications is still March 1, 2021.
For seniors, we are accepting 2019 income information only. No need to wait until the 2020 income taxes are ready (that will be used for the next renewal).
Applications arriving in our office after March 1, 2021 will not be considered for the 2021-2022 tax year, and a new application may be required for our consideration for future tax years. Questions? 585-872-7051
Webster Community Chest 2020 Annual Report
Open Enrollment
As part of New York's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the Open Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers will be extended through March 31, 2021. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health or directly through insurers. Coverage start dates will vary:
· Enroll by February 15: Coverage starts March 1
· Enroll by March 15: Coverage starts April 1
· Enroll by March 31: Coverage starts May 1
Individuals who are eligible for other NY State of Health programs - Medicaid, Essential Plan and Child Health Plus can enroll year-round.
Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
NY State of Health
Webster Health & Education Network
If you would like a poster for your office or business, please give us a call or stop by to pick one up!
Family Winter Fun Night
Safer Lock Boxes
Do You Have Prescription Drugs That Need To Be Destroyed?
The Webster Health and Education Network has made available to the Webster Chamber, Deterra that permanently destroys medications. If you have excess supplies of medication that you no longer need, please stop by the chamber to pick up one of these.
LALA's (2/1/2021)
We are looking for a fun, energetic salesperson to join our team! Email Lisa at lalaofwebster@gmail.com
Family First Credit Union (8/21/2020)
Part-time Teller position open at the Webster branch. Contact Georgia Interlicchia at 585-586-8225 x 146 (click here for job posting information)
Lakeshore Painting (7/15/2020)
Painter / Finisher Full & Part Time (Rochester / Eastern Suburbs) Seeking an experienced Painter/Finisher of new residential homes, spraying experience a plus. Year-round work. Paid vacation and holidays, 401K, Pay is based on experience. Must have your own car (reliable transportation a must/driver’s license). Drug screen and criminal background check required. Call Phil at 585-729-6562 or send email to: LakeshorePainting1@gmail.com
Hair For All Reasons (6/15/2020)
Looking for a Part-Time Assistant for a family-owned and operated salon. Contact Tracy @ 585-671-0310
Wegmans (3/17/2020)
Wegmans is now hiring. Check here for more information and job openings: https://jobs.wegmans.com/category/retail-service-center-jobs/1839/29711/1?utm_source=google.com&utm_campaign=pottsville&utm_medium=search_engine&utm_content=paid_search&ss=paid&dclid=CPyN0NPcoegCFUmnaQodpVwNvg
CDS Life Transitions (added 10/3/18)
CDS Life Transitions have a number of positions they are looking to fill: At CDS Life Transitions, it is our mission to champion our constituent organizations in providing exceptional, holistic and innovative support for the people they serve. Our visionary, integrated stewardship provides life opportunities and empowers individuals and their families to live more fulfilling and independent lives. CDS Life Transitions offers many wonderful career opportunities. Working here is a rewarding experience that will give you the satisfaction of helping people with Disabilities, Seniors, and/or Veterans in our community to pursue their personal dreams. CDSLT is currently in search of Registered Nurses, Direct Support Professionals, and CDL Drivers, however, our companies are always hiring for a variety of positions. For more information and to see all current postings, visit www.cdslifetransitions.org
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September 2020
October 2019